Re: L'Unione Sarda on-line on WWW

Thanks for the notice.  I stumbled on this myself yesterday -- tired of 
frustration, eager to read of the news in Italy, I thought that instead 
of the usual URL, I would connect to, and then go down 
through the menus.  I found the daily paper, plus the archives.  I can 
see images -- the banner headline, and some other items as well.

I particularly enjoy the horoscope, the TV listings, all of the things 
that you can read nowhere else.  Of course, the news is the most 
important thing.

I also am grateful for the links with the Facts of Soccer page (which I 
found when I connected to Milano)

Good luck with your project in the future.  Now that MIT will be a home 
of the Web, I will be following this more closely.

Forza, Azzurri!

Ken Goldman, MIT